Climbing is the best way to combine fun, outdoors, socialising, challenge and fitness.**
As a part of SURMC you'll be a part of climbing culture, which fosters knowledge sharing, friendship and trust, a passion for being outdoors, stretching mental and physical boundaries and improving health and strength. *No pun intended, obviously. **This is a matter of objective opinion. |
Trad Climbing Traditional climbing involves placing protection (nuts, cams and hexes) into features in the rock for safety. The club has a wide range of trad gear available for members to hire and runs some trad climbing trips, including the traditional annual (and occasionally bi-annual) pilgrimage to Arapiles in Victoria. |
Slacklining Slacklining is how climbers train when their forearms are too pumped to go indoor climbing. It involves balancing on and walking along a strip of fabric, similar to a tightrope. It's great for training core muscles and balance. The club normally goes slacklining at Victoria Park once a week during uni semester. |

Mountaineering involves any combination of hiking, skiing and climbing up mountains. The club occasionally goes on trips to New Zealand or the Himalayas on expeditions because there aren't many mountains to climb in Australia.